据了解,此次Ubuntu 18.04 LTS的代号为Bionic Beaver(仿生海狸),Canonical将会支持此款操作系统到2023年5月。Ubuntu 18.04 LTS采用4.15版本的Linux内核,支持一些全新的特性,如AMD安全内存加密,以及针对SATA Link电源管理的改进等。
MySQL Query : SELECT description,url,title,id FROM v9_news where title regexp 'Ubuntu|18|04|LTS|' AND inputtime>1683050907 and id not regexp('01|02') and status=99 and id!=7922 group by id order by rand() LIMIT 1
MySQL Error : Got error 'empty (sub)expression' from regexp
MySQL Errno : 1139
Message : Got error 'empty (sub)expression' from regexp
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MySQL Error : Got error 'empty (sub)expression' from regexp
MySQL Errno : 1139
Message : Got error 'empty (sub)expression' from regexp
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